Sacred Liturgy

  • Liturgical Ministries

    Liturgical ministries are ways for people to serve our Catholic Church during worship services. 

    These ministries include: 

    • Priest: Preaches and leads the liturgy
    • Deacon: Assists the priest or bishop during the liturgy
    • Altar servers: Help the priest and deacon during the liturgy
    • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMOHC): Help distribute communion to people during the liturgy
    • Lectors: Read scripture during the liturgy
    • Ushers: Greet people, distribute bulletins, and help ensure the service runs smoothly
    • Music ministers: Play music or sing during the liturgy
    • Nursery leaders: Care for children during the service
    • Sacristans: Set up the altar, greet people, and help ensure the service runs smoothly

    Liturgical ministers are called to serve as instruments of Christ's presence during the Mass. 

    Liturgical Ministry
  • Music Ministry

    Music ministry is a service in which a church's congregation sings and worships together to support the sermon. It's a way for the church to express gratitude and praise to God, and to teach and encourage believers. 

    Goals of music ministry

    • Teach scripture: Music ministry can help people learn and remember biblical truths. 
    • Express gratitude: Music ministry can help people express their thankfulness to God. 
    • Encourage believers: Music ministry can help people feel encouraged in their faith. 
    • Create an atmosphere of reverence: Music ministry can help people feel a sense of awe and connection with God. 
    Music Ministry
  • Altar Servers

    Altar server ministry is a service where young people assist the priest or deacon during religious services. Altar servers help to prepare the altar, carry the cross, light candles, and present gifts to the priest. They also assist with holy water and wine. 

What is the Mass?

"...the participation of the People of God in the work of God. " (CCC 2069)

¿Qué es la Santa Misa?


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