St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

St. Vincent de Paul

Phone: 503-357-9647    Email:

ORDER FOOD: Call or come into the office to place an order Tue, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday between 9 am & 12 pm

PICK UP SAME DAY: Pick up your food box same day at your scheduled time after 12 pm.

RENT OR UTILITY HELP: Call or email the office. We help with utilities in Forest Grove and Rent via Community Action.



The society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide Catholic organization of laypersons, open to all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbor. Generally on a person-to-person basis, members of the Society help those in need, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, gender, orientation, handicap or religion.

The Society's work may encompass any form of aid that alleviates the suffering and it strives to discover and redress situations which cause suffering.

St. Vincent de Paul of Forest Grove, Oregon is an Equal Opportunity Provider.
We are a partner agency of the Oregon Food Bank and adhere to the 
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement.

No proof of income or address is required to access food at our site.

Donate to SVDP

Serving Forest Grove, Gales Creek & Gaston areas.

Call us if you need help with food, rent or utilities.

Mission Statement of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide Catholic organization of laypersons, open to all who wish to live their faith by loving and serving their neighbor. Generally on a person-to-person basis, members of the Society help those in need, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, gender, orientation, handicap or religion.

The Society's work may encompass any form of aid that alleviates the suffering and it strives to discover and redress situations which cause suffering.

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